Cross of Christ, Las Cruces, NM – 2023
Enhancement (Unsubsidized): Cross of Christ started in a member’s home 11 years ago. As an unsubsidized mission, they will have Home Missions support through their district mission board and mission counselor and access to special grants from Home Missions and WELS Church Extension Fund. The congregation has 73 members and owns land along a major access road where most of the city’s new development is taking place and where hundreds of young families are moving.
Fast Facts:
- The Las Cruces area is currently home to more than 66,000 people, with an estimated population of more than 76,000 by 2032.
- Since August 2021, average weekly worship attendance has gone up 30 percent.
- The Las Cruces area is 57 percent Hispanic. Missionary Nathanial Jensen and members are working with Hispanic Outreach Consultant Tim Flunker to reach out to this demographic with the gospel.
Rev. Nathanael Jensen, Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
[email protected]