Jesus Christ, to you be all glory, power, and praise! Yours is the only name under heaven that saves. By your grace we know the peace of God that transcends all understanding. We thank and praise you for the hope and joy your peace gives.
Lord Jesus, you know better than we that countless souls are lost, still searching for this peace. You have commissioned us to go out and find the lost and have powerfully equipped us with your Word and Sacraments and your faithful promises. You assure us that you are able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.
Confident of these truths, our synod set a goal of starting 100 new missions and enhancing 75 existing ministries over the next decade. We recognize this goal can be reached only by your grace. We humbly and boldly ask for your rich blessing upon this initiative. Bless the recruitment and training of our future missionaries, and bless our missionaries and the fields where they serve. Through your people provide us with ample the financial resources. Thwart the efforts of those that hinder our work. Grant wisdom, strength, perseverance, and joy to our synod’s leaders, our pastors, and our congregations as we face challenges in our work.
In all we do, move all of us to see and do our part in spreading the gospel so that more may know your saving peace. May all we do and accomplish be to the glory of your name.