Calvary, Dallas, TX
Enhancement: Calvary Lutheran Church in Dallas, Tex., will receive short-term support from Home Missions to call a second pastor who will be focused on outreach and connecting with unchurched early childhood and school families and the many other prospects Calvary has identified in the booming Lake Highlands area of Dallas.
Fast Facts:
- Rev. Benjamin Schone accepted the call to serve as the outreach pastor in July 2024.
- Ministry opportunities include outreach to a large African immigrant/heritage community that attends Calvary Lutheran School.
- The current Mornings with Mommy program serves around 125 children and their 90 caregivers over six different sessions each month. Approximately 30 percent of attendees are prospects.
- Calvary is located about nine miles away from downtown Dallas. The Dallas–Fort Worth metropolitan area is the fastest growing in the country in recent months.
Rev. John Koelpin, Calvary Lutheran Church
[email protected]