Enhancement (Restart): Christ the Redeemer is restarting their ministry to go with the gospel to their target area of Montpelier, Berlin, and Barre, Vt. With a new home missionary leading their core group, Christ the Redeemer looks forward to bringing hope in Jesus to one of the least religious areas in the U.S.
Fast Facts:
- Christ the Redeemer is the only WELS church in the state of Vermont.
- In addition to its proximity to Montpelier, Berlin, and Barre, Christ the Redeemer is also in the commuting corridor for people who work in Burlington, Vermont’s largest city.
- Christ the Redeemer has an existing church building and parsonage; Home Missions support will allow them to call a full-time home missionary.
Lord of the harvest, you created the mountains and the streams and redeemed the sinner by the blood of your dear Son. We ask that these truths be proclaimed widely and fruitfully in the beautiful state of Vermont. We praise you and thank you because we already know that this is your perfect will and desire. Bless this mission restart in Barre/Montpelier and your faithful people who worship your name at Christ the Redeemer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Mr. George Thayer, core group member
[email protected]