Enhancement: St. Marcus Lutheran Church received support to fund a “campus shepherd” at its third school campus, which serves 300 children, most of whom are unchurched. This person connects with the parents of school children, oversees the spiritual instruction of the kids on that campus, organizes baptism efforts, leads chapels, and supports staff. This position is also responsible for coordinating evangelism efforts across the three campuses. Mr. Brent Krohn began his work as Campus Evangelist during the 2024-2025 school year.

Fast Facts:

  • Mr. Brent Krohn began his work as Campus Evangelist during the 2024-2025 school year.
  • During the 2022–2023 school year, St. Marcus baptized more than 50 school students.
  • The third campus enrolls 300 students. When the campus reaches maximum capacity (which they expect soon), enrollment will stand at 600.
  • Out of the nearly 1,200 students across all three campuses, only 350 report having a church home.


Triune God, you have blessed St. Marcus Lutheran Church and School with nearly 1,200 students within their three campuses. Less than 30% of their students report having a church home. We thank you for the approval of St. Marcus as a mission enhancement so they could call a lay leader, Mr. Brent Krohn, to serve as the school chaplain for their third campus. Bless his work of connecting the students within all the campuses to Word and Sacraments within St. Marcus Lutheran Church. Bless the work of all the pastors, teachers, and staff at St. Marcus so that your kingdom may continue to grow through their Means of Grace ministries. Amen.


Rev. James Hein, St. Marcus Lutheran Church
[email protected]
414-562-3369, Ext 1610

Enhancement: St. Paul Lutheran Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, is located in one of the most diverse areas in Canada. The immediate neighborhood around St. Paul is 50 percent immigrants and includes people from India, the Philippines, Pakistan, Africa, and the Middle East. Home Missions support allowed St. Paul to hire two part-time workers to assist the pastor in discipleship, community outreach, service/volunteer coordination, and other cross-cultural mission efforts.

Fast Facts:

  • Rebecca Ulmer serves part-time as the Member Ministry Coordinator, and Anna Reinemann serves part-time as the Refugee Ministry Coordinator.
  • St. Paul has members from 25 different countries.
  • In the Castlebridge community, where St. Paul is located, 63 percent of immigrants are first-generation immigrants.
  • From 2010–2020, St. Paul has welcomed 50 or so refugees. It sponsors refugees from South Sudan and partners with a Sudanese non-profit to provide parenting classes for parents of at-risk youth and outreach to South Sudanese refugees experiencing poverty and homelessness in Calgary.


Lord Jesus, we thank you for your abundant blessings over St. Paul Lutheran Church in Calgary, AB, Canada. We praise you for the seeds that have been planted through this ministry already, and eagerly anticipate the plans you have for them as they enhance their ministry with additional manpower to assist with cross-cultural ministry. Strengthen and equip Pastor Reinemann, Anna Reinemann, and Rebecca Ulmer as they lead this effort. Grant wisdom in their decision-making and help them spread Christ’s gospel in their community. Give St. Paul all the resources they need to fulfill your plans and open doors for their mission field to expand and grow. By your Spirit, motivate their members with the joy of salvation in Christ their Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Rev. Chester Reinemann, St. Paul Lutheran Church
[email protected]